Climbing in Geyikbayiri
ANTALYA and our new
WOODEN HOUSES for Climbers.
The wooden house is in the middle of climbing area of Geyikbayırı at Echoes, Koridor and Top Alanı sectors. just one minute. You can also reach to other close sectors in 2-10 minutes; Akdeniz, Alaaddin, Barbarossa, Toki, Mevlana, Ottoman, Poseidon, Paşa, Zeytinlik and Kanyon.
The house is 36m2. It has a bedroom, sitting area with well equipped kitchen and one loft. You can enjoy the winter sun on the terrace overlooking the mountain. The house's electricity comes from solar panel.
We take care of everything about your stay. Just enjoy your climbing and send your project.

Wooden House for Climbers: 36 m2
One bed room; 1 Double bed
One loft; 2 single beds/ 1 double bed.
Private toilet / hot shower.
Terrace: 16 m2
Heating: wood stove
58 euro 2 persons/night
20 euro every extra person.
whatsApp: +90 5342018995 (Recep İnce)

Geyikbayiri Climbing area:
Geyikbayırı climbing area is the best winter sport climbing area in
Antalya - Turkey. (The Other best summer sport climbing and
multi-pitch climbing areas are in Aladaglar Mountain range and
Kazıklı Canyon)
Geyikbayırı which has over 1600 routes across all grades. There are also 5 other sport climbing areas close to Antalya; which are Citdibi, Olympos, Beycik, Akyarlar, Karataslar. All of the sport routes are single pitch on good quality limestone rock.
The best sectors in Geyikbayır; Sarkıt, Magara, Anatolia, Ottoman, Mevlana, Poseidon, Echos, Koridor, Top Alanı, Kebap, Left cave, Turkish Standart, Trabenna, Alabalık.
Some of the best routes: Saksafon 6b+, Bizon 6b, Colonist 6c/8a+, Melting souls 7b+, Otuzbir 7c, Elbe 7c, Kaptan Kırk 6c, Karınca 7a, Agustos Böcegi 7a, Turkish Airways 8a+, L'empire Ottoman 7a+, Poseidon 7b+, Come as you are 8a, Rock Republic 7a+, Semazen 6c+, Giovanni 7c, Rigolos 6c, Noel Baba 6c+, Ya Sabır 6b, Lycıan Highway 7b+, Mission to Mars 6c+.
Geyikbayiri Climbing Course - Coaching for Climbing

* Beginners – Introduction to outdoor climbing
Ideal for indoor climbers who want to make the transition from indoor to outdoor rock climbing and for anyone who want to experience a new outdoor activity.
110 euro for 1 persons, 4 hours. Including climbing equipment.
180 euro for 2 persons, 5 hours. Including climbing equipment.
* Intermediate – Learn to lead & Improve your climbing skills
This course is aimed to climbers with some top-rope climbing experience who are ready to make the next step and become an autonomous climber for single pitch sport climbing. Geyikbayiri climbing area is the ideal location to learn to lead with well protected routes, close bolting and huge range of climbing styles on Tufa, Limestone and Conglomerate.
110 euro for 1 persons, 4 hours. Including climbing equipment.
180 euro for 2 persons, 5 hours. Including climbing equipment.
* Advanced
Performance coaching – Push your limits to reach the next grade!
Ideal for climbers who want to challenge themselves and progress in the most beautiful routes of Geyikbayiri Climbing area.
140 euro for 1 persons, 4 hours. Including climbing equipment.
180 euro for 1-2 persons, 5 hours. Including climbing equipment.

A Rock Climbing Guide to Antalya
This is the definitive rock climbing guidebook for Antalya describing all the sport climbing to be found at Geyikbayiri, Citdibi, Akyarlar, Beycik, Olympos, Cirali, Yarasali, and Kaputas. In total almost 1,600 routes are described across a wide selection of grades. Since the previous edition there have been many new routes at Geyikbayiri and Citdibi that has been likened to a “mini Ceuse” due to its concentrated number of hard routes. Also included is information about the deep water soloing (DWS) to be found at Yarasali to the south of Olympos.
All the routes are shown on full colour photo-topos, along with the route length and the number of bolts. The guidebook also has many excellent action photographs. Each area has a good location map, access information and a general description of the rock climbing to be found at each crag.
Written by Ozturk Kayıkçı and published in September 2023 (revised 7th Edition), this guidebook is in Turkish and English text throughout. This revised 7th edition has around 400 more routes than the previous edition, which reflects the number of new routes that have been added in the last few years.
Number of pages is 324.
Size is 150mm x 210mm (A5 format).
ISBN is 9786259930107.
You can buy this guide book from local Camping and Sun Climbing shop in Geyikbayırı.
On line : climbeurope
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